We normally perceive January as the month for hibernation. As we look at nature around us, trees have lost their leaves, plants their flowers, animals are tucked away sleeping and just feeding and people retreat inside. I have certainly felt the hibernation this year. And I’m sure I’m not alone in that! With so many bugs/ germs/illnesses around, it has been hard to fight these off! I certainly have, and my low energy levels have been the hardest thing to deal with. And I’m just not used to that! I feel many of you will be resonating with that too.
The start of January is always full of thoughts of what the year ahead will hold. What things are already planned, what would I like to do, what will work look like, what things would I like to change in my life and most importantly how am I going to make those changes? Normally I try to start off as I mean to go on and put these changes into place at the beginning of January. This year it just didn’t happen! I was not firing on all cylinders. I could feel the frustration creeping in. I so wanted to feel positive about the changes I was making and to make each day count. I wanted to be accountable for my time, using it to the best and making sure that self-care became a higher priority in my life. The main focal points were to be eating regularly and not having my last meal late at night, finishing work earlier in the evening, having time to relax and the biggie getting to bed at a reasonable time! My energy levels were in my boots taking me twice as long to do anything and therefore an early bedtime was just a pipeline dream.
I have decided that with the new month of February its not to late to try again. Having worked on my health and wellbeing my energy levels have improved tremendously, my immune system boosted, and positivity restored. Let the new changes begin.
There are lots of small and simple changes we can make to really help boost our health. Below are a few tips from the team at The Heart of Holistic Health. I do hope you find them helpful and effective.
Make sure you are firing on all cylinders.
Wishing you a February of positivity, good health and wellbeing and living the life you can.
Michelle - Maximize Fitness…
Hydration is important so your body can function at its best!
Dehydration can affect your mood! Water helps energise your muscles!
Cameron Wickers…
Stress is proven to weaken the immune system so it’s important to support your physical and emotional well-being. The mind and body are not separate; what affects one affects the other. Epsom salt baths for drawing out toxins & it’s relaxing to reduce stress.
Catherine Gowers…
Tissue salts are a fantastic way to arrest a cold or sore throat! Tip - Ferrum phos 6x for the 1st sign of inflammation or as a preventative! If I had a £ for every person this helped……
Nikki Mumby…
Eucalyptus oil in a balm or Vicks massaged into the feet clears the head and sinuses.
Allison Green…
Hot water with a slice of lemon, a small piece of fresh ginger and a spoonful of manuka honey. Plus, rest when you are ill as you will get better quicker.
Celia Leslie…
Breathe to have your immune system kick in. Healthy breath = healthy body - transformational breath helps you breathe more easily ❤️
Tim Everett and Janis Norman…
Tim - To help keep your sinuses clear simply hum for a minute! Janis - Love that from Tim – Bee Breath 🐝. Bhramari pranayama breathing is good for calming the nervous system/stress.
Mary Walsh-Pammen…
Meditate and once you are very calm envisage yourself well, clear nose, breathing deeply in and out and create a future picture of yourself looking and feeling very healthy.
Helen Hunt…
To ward off coughs and colds and improve immunity- keep your lower back and feet warm, always wear a scarf in cold windy weather.
Mick Moxham…
Just a simple thing as there’s a lot of good info already is that many people don’t dress properly. Make sure your lower back is covered the Japanese often wear hara warmers. A scarf is vital if you leave your neck and chest exposed, you’re asking for trouble. I see people with gloves but no scarf! And at the first sign of a sore throat, cook a curry or stir fry with chillis onions ginger and garlic it doesn’t always stop a cold in its tracks but speeds up the whole process at the least.
Jenni Shawyer…
Winter is a time when our bodies naturally seek rest and rejuvenation. Remembering that self-care is NOT selfish is so important – we cannot pour from an empty cup. Nourish the body with wholesome, seasonal foods and soups, cleansing the air with diffused aromatherapy oils; eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender being one of my favourite combinations and generally being kind to yourself goes a long way!
Rushna Reid…
Sleep is key, so good sleep by 10pm with no blue light at least 1 hour before bedtime will reduce oxidative stress and help keep Immunity up.
Essential oils for airways. I recommend dōTERRA oils. 2 blends in particular. AIR for respiratory support and On Guard for immune support.
Angela Chapman...
Kinesiology....Thymus tap.....tap here to help boost immunity through times of ill health as it can boost vibrant health, support healing and helps with immunity. Tap around 20-30 times - if it is a little tender this is normal and generally means tapping is just what is needed. 😘
From Our Hearts to Yours...
Amanda and The Heart of Holistic Health Team 💙💙💙
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